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What’s pleasure got to do with sex ed? This project shows it can increase...

The International Planned Parenthood Federation’s digital campaign Treasure Your Pleasure is using an evidence-based sex-positive approach to educate young Africans about safe sex.
Codeine products are available over the counter in South Africa. But codeine is addictive and the products can be abused.

Is codeine Africa’s drug of choice?

Common cough, flu and pain medicines can be addictive. Codeine addiction is an increasingly well-known problem in South Africa.
Farmer Bayanda Maseko opens up about his mental health.

‘It’s every man for himself’: Why this farmer says he needs mental health help

Bayanda Maseko lost 2 000 chickens and more than R100 000 he invested in his farm in 2022, all because of loadshedding. Maseko says psychological support is needed in an industry where “it's every man for himself”. He speaks about the impact of these losses on his mental health in the March episode of Bhekisisa’s television show Health Beat.

#SliceOfLife: I survived the most deadly type of TB, but it cost me a...

Goodman Makanda survived the most drug-resistant form of tuberculosis that scientists know of, but he lost a lung to the disease in the process. Now, he says he would “rather die” than take handfuls of TB medicine again.

#SliceOfLife: ‘I remember worrying she was cold in the tray.’ My six hours that...

In 2020, 1.9-million children were stillborn according to a new report from the World Health Organisation. Read how one woman’s experience of stillbirth inspired her to start a mental health support group for parents who lost a child during pregnancy.

#COP27: These KZN flood victims’ fates were sealed years ago

Nokwazi Mbambo watched her life wash away in April, and little has changed 6 months later. Read more on how the climate change induced floods that destroyed her home.

‘They will buy me a meal for my children’: Why SA women turned to...

Many women in South Africa resorted to sex work in order to survive the COVID recession. Male “blessers” were happy to pay, contributing to the spread of HIV.
US professional societies urge women should be warned that water births remain largely untested within the scientific community.

Could a water birth be right for you? Weigh up the pros and cons

More South African parents are choosing to bring their baby into the world with a splash, but is it better than conventional births?
Displaced people carry water containers on their heads at Tomping camp

South Sudan: From war to water crisis

The start of the rainy season in the war-torn country could spell a cholera outbreak.
A doctor bends down to check young cancer patient's heartbeat.

From the mouths of babes: This is what it’s like to be diagnosed with...

Death comes for us all and when it does, we hope it’s a good one. We hope it has meaning, we hope it’s painless and that those we leave behind are cared for. Turns out, it doesn’t matter if you’re 80 or eight.
Do big solutions come in small packages? Questions remain as to how practical baby boxes would be for South African parents and babies.

The pros and cons of C-sections and vaginal births

Planning for a baby? Before deciding on a birth plan, find out what you need to know to make an informed decision.

Five years of compulsory state service for these doctors. Will it stop brain drain?

The Nigerian government wants to stop medical professionals from leaving to countries including the United Kingdom and the United States by making it mandatory for doctors to work in state hospitals for five years.

How Rwanda could become one of the first countries to wipe out cervical cancer

Tens of thousands of community health workers in Rwanda are driving a powerful vaccination programme in the country that could make the East African nation the first country in the world to eliminate cervical cancer.
A Doctors Without Borders

#AIDS2016: How a rural community helps each other stay on HIV treatment

An adherence club helped almost all patients stay on their treatment.
Zimbabwe's tough abortion laws aren't curbing terminations

Inside the illegal abortion market: ‘I nearly touched hell’

Zimbabwe’s tight abortion laws aren’t curbing demand, they’re driving them underground — and it’s about to get worse.

[PHOTOS]: ‘We need staff, psychological help’: Go inside a Gauteng COVID ICU fighting the...

Driven by a more infectious new COVID variant, the second wave of South Africa’s coronavirus pandemic has seen considerably more infections than the first wave. This meant health workers have had to deal with more hospitalisations and deaths — and pressure. Bhekisisa visited George Mukhari Academic Hospital north of Tshwane to document the second wave realities experienced by doctors and nurses.